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VACANCY - Independent Chair of Manchester FA Project 2020 Working Group

Manchester FA and Greater Manchester County Schools FA are looking to recruit an Independent Chair to the Project 2020 Steering Group


Manchester FA & Greater Manchester County Schools FA are looking to recruit a dynamic individual to lead the development and support of County Schools football.  The role is voluntary and will lead the Project 2020 steering group and help to support the future development of Schools Football across Greater Manchester. We are looking for an individual who has a credible knowledge and understanding of the Education Sector with the drive and passion to help overcome the challenges facing schools football locally. 

Project 2020 is a newly formed steering group with the aim of establishing a fit for purpose and fit for the future proposition for education within Greater Manchester. This will include a review of competition, governance, administration and development within Primary, Secondary, Further and Higher Education. 

The Independent Chair will lead the monthly steering group and assist both Greater Manchester County Schools and Manchester Football Association strategically, helping to support the development of a future provision for education participants. The role holder will also champion Safeguarding as well as the work being conducted by the project group to all stakeholders across Greater Manchester. 

We are looking for individuals who have a credible knowledge and understanding of the Education sector and its relationship with football within Greater Manchester.

The Deadline for all applications is 5pm Friday 31st January 2020