England Accredited

Don't miss out on the benefits of England Football Accreditation

Complete your renewal now and make sure your club continues to be one of the best places to enjoy football.

The window to renew your England Football Accreditation is closing fast and time is running out to renew and continue receiving the benefits of being an accredited club. 

Why Renew

Clubs that renew will continue to receive the benefits that being an England Football Accredited club brings. Firstly, meeting the criteria will help put things in place to make your club more resilient, secure and sustainable. Clubs are also able to use the England Football branding, demonstrating their commitment to providing the best possible experience to players, volunteers, coaches and spectators. On top of this, as a reward for renewing clubs will also receive free Nike Footballs and kit vouchers, as well as access to more funding opportunities.

 Benefits of accreditation
How to Renew

Club secretaries, chairs and accreditation coordinators all have access to complete and submit your renewal. To do so follow the simple steps and instructions below

1. Log in to the FA Clubs Portal https://clubs.thefa.com
2. On the lefthand side, click and open your “Dashboard”

From here, Accreditation Renewal is broken down into 4 steps: Club, Officials, Documentation and Pathways. Each of these has a set of criteria to meet – these will either be marked as complete or incomplete and you will be able to submit your renewal once these are achieved.

Club: If any of these are not meet please contact support@manchesterfa.com
Officials: This section is designed to ensure your club coaches and volunteers have the correct qualifications in place to fulfil their responsibilities and safeguard your members. You may need to work with your club welfare officer and volunteers in order to ensure DBS certificates and qualifications are up to date.
Documents: Firstly you may need to adopt and accept the FA Policies if any of these are marked as incomplete – click the orange “FA Policies” to be taken to the page to adopt these. You may also need to upload a club development plan. Information, guidance and templates for this are available below.
Player pathways: Check all your teams are listed in this section, if this section is marked as incomplete then you just need to click “provide information” and let us know if intend to add any teams, or are planning on just maintaining what you have


How do I fix any issues with DBS Compliance?
Your club welfare officer will be able to initiate any DBS certificates for volunteers that do not have a one. This can be done in Whole Game using these instructions.

Why do my adult teams need a first aider?
Ensuring there is a qualified first aider with every adult team is one of the things that can set accredited clubs apart. The FA Introduction to First Aid in Football course is valid for 3 years and covers important topics including sudden cardiac arrests and concussion protocols. Coaches or volunteers can take this here.

How do I complete the Youth Teams with a Qualified Coach requirement?
Having fully qualified coaches helps ensure the sessions and match experiences at your clubs are enjoyable, engaging and progressive for your players. Fully qualified means having a coach with a coaching, first aid and safeguarding qualification. As it can take time to get a coach through their Introduction to Coaching Football course, your club can tick the box to confirm your commitment to ensuring qualified coaches with every team and continue to work on achieving this.

What does a club development plan involve?
This can seem a daunting task, but pulling together a plan for your club can be really beneficial. Your plan needs to suit your clubs needs, wants and ambitions so it can be as brief or detailed as you like. We’ve provided some guidance and templates below, you can take as much or as little from these as you like. Once completed upload your plan to the Club Policies section on the portal (under My Club – Documentation – Club Policies)

Something is showing as incomplete and I don’t know how to fix it:
Please contact support@manchesterfa.com and a member of the team will be back in touch to assist with your renewal or book in a meeting or call to work through it with you.

If you want to discuss your accreditation renewal further, or want any more help, advice or information please contact support@manchesterfa.com

 Club Development Plan Guidance

1 Star Development Plan Template

2/3 Star Development Plan