Close-up of Manchester FA staff member on computer.

NEW Opportunity at Manchester FA

A brand new role is created at Manchester FA

Manchester FA in partnership with MCRActive is looking to recuit a Facility Development Officer in a brand new role.

Facility Development Officer

- To support delivery of The FA Grassroots Football Strategy and the Manchester FA Business Strategy.
- To support the delivery of MCRactive Capital programme for Football Facilities as highlighted in the PPS & LFFP.
- To ensure that every affiliated football fixture is played on a ‘good’ quality pitch.
- To identify and activate priority projects for Football Foundation investment via Local Football Facility Plans.
- To support strategic work such as Local Facility Plans and Playing Pitch Strategies in order to protect and promote existing football provision and ensure new development does not prejudice its use.
- To contribute to the effective implementation of The FA’s Safeguarding Operating Standard for County FAs.
- To support the adoption of FA technology systems across grassroots football.
- To comply with FA rules, regulations, policies, procedures and guidance that are in place from time to time.
- To support in achieving The FA National Game Strategy (2021-24) KPI of Number of good quality pitches by supporting the roll out of the resource available from the Football Foundation via the Grass Pitch Maintenance Fund

The final date for considation of application is 27 June 2022 - 12:00