Ramadan Mubarak

Ramadan Mubarak

Mia Lazaro
Ramadan Mubarak to our grassroots football community! Find out more about the celebration, below.

This year, Ramadan is expected to begin on the evening of Sunday, March 10th 2024 and end on Tuesday, April 9th 2024.

Around the world there are more than 1.6 billion Muslim people. That’s almost one quarter of the world! In Manchester alone, around 15.8% of the population identify as Muslim.

Just like other religions, Islam has certain times during the year to celebrate their own faith. For example, Christians have Easter and Christmas, and Jewish people have Hanukkah and Passover.

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is a religious holiday for Muslims across the globe to worship God (also known as Allah in Arabic).

During the month of Ramadan, most Muslims fast between sunrise to sunset for a whole month. A water fast is also included. It’s pretty tough, but for many Muslims around the world, it is a really important part of their religion!

Muslims take this time to focus on their religion and strengthen their bond to God. As well as fasting, this includes reading from their religious book called the Qu’ran, and the fasting is to help them focus on that.

Each year Ramadan starts on a slightly different date!

What does Ramadan actually mean?

The name ‘Ramadan” is actually the name of a month in the Islamic calendar. And that calendar is a little bit different because it is based on the cycles of the moon!

Fun fact: Did you know it has been calculated that Ramadan and Christmas will fall on the same day in 2033!

Ramadan and Grassroots Football

In line with The FA’s rule B5 football & religious observance, a participant cannot be compelled to play football in the religious holiday unless they’ve consented or are a professional player under contract. For grassroots football, The FA’s rule B5 means that fixtures that fall within the month of Ramadan can be played either after sunset or delayed until after Eid al-Fitr.

How does this affect Muslim people on the pitch?

It is important to consider that Muslim players, referees and coaches may not wish to take part in football during the holy month of Ramadan. However, many individuals may wish to maintain their involvement and it is important that we support their involvement as best as we can

Do Muslims not eat or drink at all?

This is false. Despite a popular misconception, Muslims who celebrate Ramadan do break their fast after sunset but before sunrise. They do have some big meals between those time periods, because having no food or water at all for a whole month would be impossible!

What if someone doesn’t feel well…does everyone have to fast?

Not everyone has to fast during Ramadan! People who are pregnant, elderly, menstruating or sick, often don’t. And children only fast once they reach puberty.

What happens once Ramadan is over?

There is a huge festival at the end of Ramadan called Eid al-fitr (pronounced ee-d al fit-r). It translates as ‘the breaking of the fast’ in Arabic. Children wear new clothes, special pastries are baked, prayers are said at the Mosque, gifts are exchanged, and graves of relatives are visited.

Despite certain changes during the holy month, Ramadan is an exciting month for many Muslims and a huge part of their religion. There are many ways we can support our Muslim friends:

- Don’t be afraid of asking any questions - You can learn a lot!

- Don’t ask why someone isn’t fasting - There are many reasons including medical and personal. Those who aren’t able to fast may choose to take part in other ways of worship.

- Be considerate when making plans - Arrange to meet earlier in the day when they may still have energy from their dawn meal, or go for a walk rather than meeting for lunch?

To wish your Muslim friends a happy Ramadan, you can say “Ramadan Mubarak” which means you are wishing them a blessed one