Manchester Tennis & Football Centre

Office Departure

Manchester FA to vacate HQ office to support Greater Manchester's COVID-19 vaccination programme.

Manchester FA vacate HQ office to support Greater Manchester’s COVID-19 vaccination programme

Manchester FA is proud to be playing a small part to support Greater Manchester’s response to COVID-19 by vacating its HQ office, enabling the NHS to take occupancy and deliver its vaccination programme. 

Located within the Tennis and Football Centre, which is part of the wider Etihad Campus where the vaccination centre will now be opened, Manchester FA’s office was identified as one of the key facilities needed for use by the NHS to begin the vaccination programme. 

The commitment Manchester FA has made to supporting the vaccination programme has been established for the long term, with the organisation relinquishing its HQ office lease, to ensure that the NHS can remain on site for as long as is needed. 

Whilst Manchester FA will now move to a full time remote working operation over the winter months into Spring 2021, the organisation and its team of staff remain on hand to support member clubs and the grassroots football community. Manchester FA is currently reviewing options regarding its future home and will inform members as soon as a decision has been made. 

Commenting on Manchester FA’s decision to vacate its offices, Chief Executive Officer, Colin Bridgford said: 

“Upon being made aware that Manchester FA’s offices could be used as part of the COVID-19 vaccination centre at the Etihad Campus, we immediately offered to relinquish our lease to ensure the NHS could take occupancy as soon as they needed to. These past months have been challenging for everyone within our community and we are proud to play this small part in Greater Manchester’s recovery supporting the roll out of the vaccination.”

Councillor Bev Craig, Executive Member for Adult Health and Wellbeing for Manchester City Council, added: 

“I'd like to thank Manchester FA for this generous show of solidarity. In Manchester we are all playing our part to support one another and work towards the common goal that our lives will soon return to normal.”

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