Andy Baker Leaves Manchester FA
A HUGE Thank you from everyone here at Manchester FA to our exiting Football Development Manager, Andy Baker who leaves Manchester FA after 6 years for a new challenge at The FA as a Regional Network Manager for the North.
We caught up with Andy on his last day and asked him the following;
Why are you leaving Manchester FA / what is the plan / where to next?
I leave Manchester FA on Friday 30th September to take up a role with The FA working across the north region as a Regional Network Manager. I’m pleased that this means I will still be working with the team at Manchester FA along with other County FAs across the north area, and also means I can remain living in the area. As well as working with County FAs, my new role will involve supporting the post-tournament legacy from Women’s Euro 2022 to continue to grow girls’ and women’s football across the region as well as working with wider deliverers of community football.
What is something that you are particularly proud of during your time at Manchester FA?
There are a number of things I am proud of from my time at Manchester FA including the way in which we supported not just our clubs and leagues but also our staff during the Covid-19 pandemic. It was obviously an extremely challenging time, but it was fantastic to see how grassroots football across Greater Manchester came together to play its part in supporting one another and the wider community.
From a football perspective, seeing the genuine impact of our work relating to the Legacy of Women’s Euro 2022 has been particularly rewarding. As someone that has been involved in girls and women’s football in different roles for nearly 20 years, seeing a full stadium at Old Trafford for the opening game was really special. All our work and events in the build up to and during the tournament, hopefully went some way to inspiring more women and girls into football, whether as players, coaches, referees or volunteers.
Anything you would like to say in quote to the grassroots community on your departure?
Whilst I didn’t grow up in Manchester, it is my adopted home and I couldn’t be prouder to have worked at Manchester FA. Grassroots football is so reliant on volunteers and I have been fortunate to meet some incredible people that make football happen week in, week out. Thank you for all you do to make football in Manchester great and I just hope I have done my bit to help all those people who make it happen.