Young Leader – Active Volunteers Programme

Young Leader Active Volunteers Programme

The Young Leader, Active Volunteer Programme is designed to increase and diversify our current grassroots workforce.

We will be investing in a small number of young people to establish inspiring grassroots volunteers, to serve our accredited clubs and leagues.

We invite Young Leaders to take part in the programme, in which you will be providing a project to the grassroots community and Clubs & Leagues can take part in this project by being a host to the chosen young leaders.

The project gives a chance for young people aged between 16 -24 to complete 50 hours of volunteering within a Grassroots Club or League with Support from Manchester County FA. Within the 50 hours, Active Volunteers will carry out a project of their choice within a club or league based in Manchester. 

25 hours will be completed through an Active Leaders Qualification in which applicants will complete workshops delivered by Manchester FA. The qualification includes CPR and first aid awareness, basic safeguarding and risk management, preparation, planning, communication, marketing, budgeting, hands-on delivery and CV development. 

The other 25 hours will be completed in the Manchester FA Club or League, researching, delivering, or reviewing their project. This gives applicants the chance to make a difference in their local community and help give a youth voice to the area you are placed in.

Please see the links below to access further information on this programme:

Manchester FA Active Volunteers 2023/24 information booklet

Manchester FA Active Volunteers Overview

If you wish to apply to the programme, please select the form below and complete the application:

Apply, HERE!

Apply to host a Volunteer at your club or league