Leagues Working Group

The Leagues Working Group will…

- Lead and take responsibility for the development of grassroots leagues within the Manchester FA league structure. 
- We will work with our member leagues to ensure fit for purpose and sustainable league structures across Greater Manchester.
- Support positive working relationships and transition of clubs, teams and players between leagues.
- Share best practice with the Manchester FA League network and provide opportunity for leagues to feedback to Manchester FA.
- Monitor and review league provision in Greater Manchester to ensure there is sufficient opportunity for all formats and participants.
- Support the implementation of development initiatives in line with the FA National Game Strategy.
- Utilising insight to identify consistent challenges and opportunities to the operation and development of Manchester FA Member Leagues.
- Sharing ideas and best practice to support the growth, development and sustainability of all Manchester FA Member Leagues.
- Supporting a positive working relationship between Manchester FA Member Leagues, working together to provide clear transitions and pathways for clubs, players and teams.
- Identifying opportunities to communicate and support the wider workforce in Manchester FA Member Leagues with both formal and informal development opportunities, to include forums and workshops as applicable.
- Supporting the delivery of the FA National Game Strategy across Manchester FA Member Leagues, with particular focus to: Develop Clubs & Leagues; Embrace all Formats; Engage all Participants; Recruit, Develop and Support the Workforce.

Current Membership...

Keith Marsden
Michelle Simpson
Dena Taylor
Matt Car
Brian Kennerly
Shannon Howarth
Gary Clements
Simon Wright

What have the group been up to?