AFC Urmston Meadowside volunteers at the 2017 Manchester FA Community Day celebrating their 40th anniversary.

Volunteering Roles

The most important part of grassroots football!


Choose your role - Clubs

The role of a Chairperson is to oversee the effective running and ensure that it is run efficiently and managed appropriately. They will lead meetings and provide leadership in all areas such as the planning and delivery of club tournaments.

The Treasurer will ensure that the club stays financially sustainable, pays all expenses and collects any monies owed to the club.

The Secretary is one of the most important roles. They are the main point of contact for the County FA, team managers and other clubs/leagues. They will also look after administrative duties.

All teams will require a Manager to organise fixtures, lead on match-days and organise training. In many cases, they will also be responsible for coaching the team, helping them develop their ability.

The Club Welfare Officer (CWO) ensures that the club operates a safe, child friendly environment and promotes good practice in line with the club’s Child Protection Policy.

Choose your role - LeagueS

The League Fixtures Secretary organises games for all the teams in the league. In some leagues there may be multiple fixture secretaries to cover certain age-groups depending on the size of the setup.

The League Player Registration Secretary will sign-on all of the players for teams in the league to ensure that players are able to play. Depending on the size of some leagues, there may be multiple volunteers doing this job with a few age-groups each.

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